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Schneider Electric iEM3000 Series Energy Meter_x000D_ The Acti 9 iEM3000 series energy meters is a cost-attractive, feature-rich energy metering offer for DIN rail, modular enclosures._x000D_ More than just kWh meters, the Acti 9 iEM3000 series meters provide a full view of both energy consumption and on-site generation with full four-quadrant measurement of active and reactive energy delivered and received. Additionally, extensive real-time measurements (V, I, P, PF) give customers greater detail on their energy usage, and multiple tariffs give customers the flexibility to match the billing structure of their utility._x000D_ The meters are fully compliant with the Acti 9 communication system._x000D_ Accuracy class 1.0 (iEM3100 & iEM3300 models) and 0.5S (iEM3200 models) for active energy metering_x000D_ Accuracy class 2 for reactive energy metering_x000D_ Graphical display for easy viewing_x000D_ Compact size mounts easily on DIN rail with two clips_x000D_ Internal clock saves the date and time of the last reset and 48h in case of power outage_x000D_ Multi-tariff selection by digital inputs or internal clock_x000D_ Applications:_x000D_ Bill checking to verify that you are only charged for the energy you use_x000D_ Sub billing individual tenants for their energy consumption, including WAGES_x000D_ Aggregation of energy consumption, including WAGES, and allocating costs per area, per usage, per shift, or per time within the same facility_x000D_ Note_x000D_ For model types and specifications, please see the product guide information.
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