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Omron PLC Programming Software_x000D_ The Omron PLC 4.1 is a programming software is a comprehensive software package that integrates PLC programming software with support software for setting up networks, programmable terminals, servo systems, inverters and temperature controllers. This PLC programming software allows users to build, configure and program a host of devices such as PLCs, HMIs and motion-control systems and networks using just one software package with one installation and license number. This greatly reduces the complexity of the configuration and allows automation systems to be programmed or configured with minimal training. It also greatly reduces the hassle of software maintenance and management at both the end-user and OEM level. This is the only automation software provider that employs an online auto-update system, allowing users to easily download and install updates for free._x000D_ Features and Benefits_x000D_ Operating systems are windows 7, windows vista, windows XP_x000D_ One software to support programming PLCs + HMI, networks, motion and drive, regulation and switching and sensors_x000D_ Common look and feel for configuration of all the devices_x000D_ One installation and license number for all the software_x000D_ Online registration offers free upgrade, free libraries, FAQ and help_x000D_ Applications_x000D_ Industrial automation_x000D_ Robotics_x000D_ Automobiles industry
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